Linguist Registration

Toppan Digital Language is always looking for experienced and talented linguists to add to its teams of freelance professionals.

IQVIA is always looking for experienced and talented linguists to add to its teams of freelance professionals.


Linguist Registration

Personal Details

*Title Missing.
*Email Not Valid. Missing.
*First Name Not Valid. Missing.
*Last Name Not Valid. Missing.
*Country Not Valid. Missing.
*State Not Valid. Missing.
*City Not Valid. Missing.

Professional Details

*Experience Grade Not Valid. Missing.
*Upload CV
CV not uploaded.
Please make sure the name of the CV does not contain more than 70 characters.
Please specify the rates (per 1000 source words) for Translation
Valid rates 1-100.
Please specify the rates (per 1000 source words) for Revision
Uploaded Files
{{file.webkitRelativePath ||}} ( {{file.size / 1024 / 1024 | number:2}} MB {{file.size / 1024 | number:2}} kB )
All of your uploaded files.
Please specify the rates (per 1000 source words) for Post-editing
Please specify your rates (per 1000 source words) for Transcreation
Are you certified as a Sworn translator by the authorities in your country?
*Mother Tongue Not Valid. Missing.
*Languages you can translate from: One field required.
*Areas you can translate: One field required.
More info on your specialist areas, rates and services offered

Service Details

Select services you offer, you can select multiple options.
NOTE: At least one service always needs to be selected.

Professional References

Please specify two professional references, preferably at translation agencies, that you are happy for us to contact.
If you've already obtained a reference letter from an agency or a direct client, please don't hesitate to share it with us upon registration as it will also suffice. Should you have any questions or doubts regarding registration, please contact us at
We are not able to accept e-mail adresses associated with publicly accessible domains such as
Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail and similar.
First Reference:
*Full Name Not Valid. Missing.
*Company Not Valid. Missing.
*Email Not Valid. Missing.
This email is not correct.
Gmail is not allowed.
Yahoo is not allowed.
Hotmail is not allowed.
*Relation Not Valid. Missing.
Second Reference:
*Full Name Not Valid. Missing.
*Company Not Valid. Missing.
*Email Not Valid. Missing.
This email is not correct.
Gmail is not allowed.
Yahoo is not allowed.
Hotmail is not allowed.
*Relation Not Valid. Missing.
Uploading file...
Uploading file

Thank you for registering!

Our talent management team will review your application and will get back to you as soon as possible.